How Often Should You Service Your HVAC System for Optimal Performance?

Heating and air conditioning systems should be inspected, cleaned, and serviced at least once a year to ensure optimal performance. It is recommended to check your air conditioner in early to mid-spring and again in the fall. An HVAC contractor will focus on your b

How Often Should You Service Your HVAC System for Optimal Performance?

Heating and air conditioning systems should be inspected, cleaned, and serviced at least once a year to ensure optimal performance. It is recommended to check your air conditioner in early to mid-spring and again in the fall. An HVAC contractor will focus on your boiler to prepare your system to cope with heating demands once temperatures drop. Experts agree that your HVAC system needs to be serviced twice a year.

Scheduling an air conditioner tune-up in late spring and fall can save you money and keep your HVAC in top condition. However, annual air conditioning maintenance isn't absolutely necessary if you're willing to take a risk. One way to save money and keep your HVAC in optimal condition is to purchase an annual HVAC service plan. If 20 percent or more of the fins are bent, the unit is likely to lose efficiency and justify a call for service. It is important to hire an HVAC professional to do the maintenance and help extend their lifespan. It also keeps the air in your home clean, and there are plenty of other reasons to maintain your HVAC system.

New air conditioning systems, especially air conditioners, are more efficient than models installed 10 years ago, and they have fewer problems and require less maintenance. There are home warranty packages for HVAC systems that you can subscribe to to cover your air conditioning repair and maintenance needs. Regular maintenance of your HVAC system is essential for optimal performance. It helps keep your system running efficiently, reduces energy costs, and extends the life of your system. By scheduling regular maintenance visits with an experienced HVAC technician, you can ensure that your system is running at its best.

Amy Borowski
Amy Borowski

General pop culture geek. Subtly charming pop culture trailblazer. Avid twitter buff. Incurable pop cultureaholic. Avid food nerd. Hardcore social media practitioner.

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