Do You Need to Service Your AC Every Year? A Comprehensive Guide

For air conditioners to reach their peak efficiency, regular maintenance is essential. Learn how to take care of your AC year-round and why it's important to schedule an annual service appointment.

Do You Need to Service Your AC Every Year? A Comprehensive Guide

For air conditioners to reach their peak efficiency, regular maintenance is essential. Without it, the unit's performance can drop by up to 5% annually due to the buildup of particles around the coils. To ensure your AC is running at its best, it's important to take care of it year-round. This includes changing the filters regularly and scheduling an annual service appointment.

But is it absolutely necessary to have your AC serviced every year? If you're willing to take a risk, then no. However, if you're unsure or have forgotten, it's best to ask your HVAC technician during your next maintenance visit. When you do schedule a service appointment, you can expect a thorough inspection of your air conditioner and a lot of maintenance work. In spring, after the weather has warmed up, HVAC technicians adjust the settings on air conditioners so they are ready for humidity and heat.

In fall, they focus on heating or boilers so they are as prepared as possible for cold weather. Your HVAC filter may be located in the return vents or inside your oven. If you notice any issues with your air conditioning or other parts of the system, it may be worth scheduling more frequent maintenance visits or paying closer attention to your own maintenance efforts. In conclusion, regular maintenance is essential for air conditioners to reach their peak efficiency. It's important to take care of your AC year-round and schedule an annual service appointment.

If you're unsure or have forgotten, ask your HVAC technician during your next maintenance visit.

Amy Borowski
Amy Borowski

General pop culture geek. Subtly charming pop culture trailblazer. Avid twitter buff. Incurable pop cultureaholic. Avid food nerd. Hardcore social media practitioner.

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