How Long Does an AC Tune Up Last? A Comprehensive Guide

On average, it takes about an hour to complete the set-up of an air conditioner. This article provides a comprehensive guide on how long an AC tune up lasts and its benefits.

How Long Does an AC Tune Up Last? A Comprehensive Guide

On average, it takes about an hour to complete the set-up of an air conditioner. This is usually the case when there are no major issues with the air conditioning system. To ensure a quick and successful overhaul, preventive maintenance is essential. Generally, it is recommended to tune up the air conditioner once a year.

However, if you have an older unit in your home, it is best to upgrade it twice a year. This is because older units require more attention and care to last through the hot summer months. Smart air conditioning controllers are a great way to monitor maintenance and track usage. My company, based in Mesa, Arizona, provides services such as energy audits and home improvement to one of the largest air conditioning markets in the country: Phoenix, Arizona.

Buying an air conditioner out of season can be beneficial as demand for air conditioners peaks during summertime. The cost of service may vary depending on the HVAC expert; some charge a flat rate while others charge by the hour. If you detect any bad odors coming from your air conditioning system, it is important to address the issue before it gets worse. For new homeowners or those who have recently purchased a new unit that hasn't been serviced yet, it is best to do a tune-up in early spring to make sure everything is running smoothly before summer arrives.

If not done properly, this could lead to further damage of the system. To avoid this, preventive maintenance should be done long before extreme weather conditions come into play. This will help ensure that there are no breakdowns in the heating, ventilation and air conditioning system during summertime. Leaks around the air conditioning unit indicate that the refrigerant isn't working as it should. Additionally, if there are many trees near the outdoor unit, leaves can accumulate on the underside of the compressor and disrupt the system.

Regularly tuning up your air conditioner not only increases efficiency but also helps save energy and prolongs its life.

What Does an AC Tune Up Include?

A professional HVAC company must thoroughly examine both indoor and outdoor units when performing an air conditioning tune-up. Unlike AAA which may not be necessary throughout the year, an air conditioning maintenance plan includes two visits annually. The frequency of these visits depends on various factors such as type of air conditioner, size of home and time since last set-up.

Benefits of Regular AC Tune Ups

Regularly tuning up your air conditioner has many benefits including:
  • Increased Efficiency: Regular tune-ups help keep your AC running at peak efficiency.
  • Saves Energy: Regular tune-ups help reduce energy consumption.
  • Prolongs Life: Regular tune-ups help extend the life of your AC unit.


Tuning up your air conditioner is essential for keeping it running smoothly and efficiently throughout the hot summer months. It is recommended to do a tune-up once a year for newer units and twice a year for older units.

Doing so will help save energy and prolong its life while also increasing efficiency.

Amy Borowski
Amy Borowski

General pop culture geek. Subtly charming pop culture trailblazer. Avid twitter buff. Incurable pop cultureaholic. Avid food nerd. Hardcore social media practitioner.

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